our team
We are ego-less empaths who love the jungle.

Luis jiménez herrera
Owner, Guide
My name is Luis Jiménez Herrera, I’m 36 years old and I was born exactly where the Los Patos station and the entrance to the Corcovado National Park, from a humble family, a farmer and a gold mine, and rather my thought was different to conserve and then I decided when I saw the treasure natural that the peninsula has, to focus my work as a guide I did not want to go to the city to study and work, like other family members and friends, but rather to study nature and now show it to our tourists who help our local economy so much with their visit.

Cindy Boulanger
Tour Coordinator
Helping travelers take their trip to the next level! With over 10 years of experience coordinating once-in-a-lifetime adventures in the Osa Peninsula, I have booked thousands of tours, received TripAdvisor awards, and created a diversity of new offers for the area. I am fluent in English, French and Spanish. Feel free to contact me in the language you are more comfortable with. Whether you are looking for solo adventures, multiple-day excursions, and/or Group Travel, I will help you program your personalized itinerary for a perfect journey with our expert guides

Cindy guzmán molina
Naturalist Guide
Hello my name is Cindy, I’m a general tour guide in love with Costa Rica and all the riches that it offers. The love and respect for nature was born at the time of school studying a medium technician in Ecological Tourism, to later continue with the career at the university as an Ecotourism Manager, for me, my vocation is in guiding and being able to show people how impressive this country is and how much it has to offer, of course, to achieve this, it is very important the excellent customer service, continuous preparation and of course the desire to always provide the best of myself.